
  • 入口花园

  • 花神园

  • 荷兰花园

  • 玫瑰花园

  • 厨房花园

  • 池杉园

  • 紫园

  • 法国花园

  • 半山花田

  • 绣球花园

  • 入口花园 Entrance Garden




    Jardin Admirable main entrance scenic spot. In the landscape building, the design of the small landscape with the use of nearly eight meters of high and bad design is full of interesting jiuqu flower road, layered green plants and flowers, forming the entrance of the flower sea. Under the boundless blue sky, the winding landscape is surrounded by the classical European architecture, creating a beautiful and beautiful picture.
    The mall, at the entrance at the same time also will make lake valley of flower colors will break the traditional domestic scenic spots of archaize building a single layout, with Europe type amorous feelings of architecture as the main body of the mall, build relaxed and casual environment. On the side of the lake with the stream, the famous flower environment echo, make the whole business street amorous feelings romantic warmth.

  • 花谷奇缘旅游度假区,与茅山道教上清派创始人魏夫人(又称“南岳夫人”、“紫虚元君”)有着割舍不断的深厚渊源。传说魏夫人之弟子花姑,在种花上有所建树,得到以种花为主的花农们的爱戴,在茅山脚下被点化成仙,做了专司百花的女神。由此在传说中点化成仙的地方重建“花神园”。其园林整体设计思路将人与自然、文化与宗教相互融合,巧妙地将花神佛龛置于自然园林之中,完美呈现出大地艺术追求天趣的精髓。在这里除观赏领略花神园四季丰姿,还将营造出全新健康度假方式,潜心打造以养生为主题,集休闲、娱乐、社交、商务为一体的高品质多元化养生胜地,让游客在旅游中得到休闲放松,享受自由,释放压力。


    Jardin Admirable tourism resort, with maoshan Taoism founder wei (also known as "Mrs. Nan yue", "purple virtual yuan jun") has a long and deep roots. Legend has it that she was a disciple of the flower girl, who had made some achievements in planting flowers, and was loved by the flower farmers who were mainly flowers. At the foot of mao shan, she was turned into a fairy and became a goddess of flowers. Thus, in the legend, the "flower fairy garden" was rebuilt. The overall design of the garden integrates man and nature, culture and religion, and skillfully puts the buddhist shrine in the natural garden, which perfectly presents the essence of the pursuit of the earth art. Here, in addition to viewing to appreciate god of outline of the four seasons garden, will also build a new health resort, with great concentration to build in order to preserve one's health as the theme, set leisure, entertainment, social, business as one of the diversified high-quality health resort, let visitors in leisure travel, enjoy freedom, release pressure.

  • 整体景观设计以高大的乔木、蜿蜒的小径、青翠的草坪、幽静的水池、五颜六色的郁金香以及各球根花卉品种,将整个花园装点成花的海洋。微风拂来,滚起色彩鲜艳的花之彩浪,淡然醉人的郁金香芬芳沁人心脾。如此迷人壮美的景色让人仿佛置身于荷兰如诗如画的花花世界,沉醉不已,只想享受被花海包围的幸福滋味。在风景如画的荷兰花园,不仅可以尽享这道视觉大餐,而且可以在五彩缤纷的色彩世界中领略到花卉作品的匠心独具。


    The overall landscape design with tall trees, winding paths, green lawn, quiet pools, colorful tulips and the bulb flower varieties, decorated the garden into a sea of flowers. The breeze was blowing, rolling up the colorful waves of the flowers, the fragrance of the sweet tulips. Such charming and magnificent scenery makes people feel as if they are in the picturesque world of the Netherlands, intoxicated, just want to enjoy the happiness surrounded by the flower sea. In the picturesque Dutch garden, we can not only enjoy the visual feast, but also enjoy the originality of flower works in the colorful world.

  • 英伦玫瑰花园,极致浪漫气息的玫瑰天堂。这里生长着最精致的玫瑰,在玫瑰品种挑选中引入矮丛玫瑰、灌木玫瑰、蔓延玫瑰、攀援玫瑰等近百种知名品种在水平和垂直的两维空间打造出蔚为壮观的玫瑰花园景观。用玫瑰表达情感,执子之手漫步于玫瑰喷泉、玫瑰长廊,玫瑰花田,玫瑰草地,愿玫瑰与爱同在。在欣赏美景之余,游人还可在景区内购买玫瑰花制成的各色食品,馈赠亲朋品尝。


    British rose garden, the ultimate romantic rose paradise. Here with the most delicate roses, short introduction in rose varieties ed rose bush spread, shrubs, roses, roses, such as climbing rose nearly hundred kinds of well-known varieties in the horizontal and vertical two dimensional space create spectacular rose garden landscape. Express your feelings with rose, take your hand and walk on the rose fountain, the rose corridor, the rose field, the rose meadow, and the rose with love. In view of the beautiful scenery, visitors can also buy roses in the scenic area to make a variety of food, gifts and friends to taste.

  • 厨房花园将厨房、花园、农场三种元素结合了起来。通往厨房花园的是一条曲径通幽的蔬菜小道,右边的池塘到了初夏,池塘里的荷花接天连叶,夏去秋来,池中荷花变成莲藕,嫩白松脆。厨房花园不仅有柴米油盐酱醋茶的影子,也增加了音乐、诗书。爱情的元素。厨房花园还准备了齐全的厨房用具,期待游客朋友们来大显身手。


    The kitchen garden combines the three elements of the kitchen, garden and farm. To the kitchen garden is a winding vegetable path, the right side of the pond to the early summer, the lotus flowers in the pond to connect the leaves, summer and autumn, the lotus flower becomes lotus root, tender white crisp. Kitchen garden not only has the shadow of the chai rice oil and salt sauce vinegar tea, also added music, the poetry book. The element of love. The kitchen garden also has a complete set of kitchen utensils, expecting visitors to show their skills.

  • 池杉园为原生湿地,高大的杉林与蜿蜒的水系巧妙结合形成水上森林景致。杉树的树干纹理笔直,结构细致,材质轻柔,还耐腐防蛀,广泛应用于建筑,桥梁,造船和家具等方面。我们国家的建材有四分之一都是杉树。全年可欣赏到五彩斑斓的四季变化韵律。游客还可通过木栈桥走进池杉园,脚下星星点点的紫色菖蒲将带来妙不可言的奇幻感觉。


    The park is a native wetland, and the tall fir trees and the winding water system cleverly combine to form the water forest scenery. The tree trunk has a straight texture, fine structure, soft texture and decay resistance. It is widely used in buildings, Bridges, shipbuilding and furniture. A quarter of the building materials in our country are cedar. The whole year can enjoy the colorful rhythm of the four seasons. Visitors can also walk through the wooden trestle to the yew garden, where the stars are dotted with purple calamus that will bring fantastic fantasy.

  • 眼前呈现的是一条紫色的长廊,有52米,可以看见紫藤攀爬其上,园区紫藤由日本横滨引进的长穗多花紫藤,长成后可以达到1-1.2米。紫藤代表沉迷的爱,52米长廊代表我爱你,紫藤花色淡紫,盛开之时烂漫如云似雾,民间附会为“紫气东来,官运亨通”,于是紫藤便承载了祥瑞之气。又因为紫谐音子,代表牵手走过紫藤长廊,与紫相伴,执“紫”之手,与子偕老。


    It is a purple corridor, which is 52 meters long, and can be seen climbing on the wisteria lane. The wisteria, which is introduced by yokohama in Japan, can reach 1 to 1.2 meters after it has grown. Wisteria represents love addiction, 52 m promenade on behalf of I love you, wisteria design and color is lavender, in full bloom when the romance is like fog, like a cloud of folk lines for "sabingga sukdun dergici jimbi, career progression," the wisteria is carrying the auspicious qi. Because of the purple homonyms, the representative walked through the wisteria corridor holding hands, accompanied by purple, holding the hand of "purple" and growing old together.

  • 融入传统法式古典主义美学,将苍松翠柏用横、纵轴线有序排列,利用人本、生态、空间、时间匠心打造,在这里大自然仿佛被完全驯服。同时拾阶而上观景长廊,以傲视天下的君王视角俯瞰刚性线条塑造出的景观之美。


    Integrated into the traditional French classical aesthetics, the pines seem orderly arrangement with the horizontal, longitudinal axis, use of humanism, ecology, space, time, originality, here seem as if they are completely tame nature. At the same time, the upper view gallery, overlooking the rigid line from the monarch's perspective, looks at the beauty of the landscape.

  • 三大花海交界之处,用花儿赤橙黄绿青蓝紫的千姿百态构造大地艺术的经典造型,妖娆妩媚,如醉霞绯云般地争鲜斗艳。置身花海之中,心旷神怡的感觉扑面而来。


    At the junction of three flowers and sea, the classic shape of earth art is constructed with flowers of red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple, enchanting and charming, like drunken xia yun. Place oneself in the sea of flowers, relaxed and happy feeling on the face.

    Enter among them, every corner can bring you surprise, experience amorous feelings ten thousand kinds of secret garden, in the embrace of nature, smell the beautiful flowers everywhere, quietly feel the flow of time, as if he is living in this flower fairy, beautiful as flowers in full bloom.



  • 绣球花园占地6000平米,累计种植绣球十多个品种。每到5月下旬至6月中下旬,绣球花园变身当季颜值担当,各类绣球绽放于黑松林半山之中,隐秘却色彩热烈,花色层次丰富,是夏季必打卡的花园。

    Hydrangea Garden covers an area of 6,000 square meters and has grown more than 10 varieties of hydrangea. From late May to middle and late June, hydrangea garden becomes the standard of appearance of the season. All kinds of hydrangea blossom in the middle of the black pine forest, which is secret but warm in color and rich in color. It is the garden that must be hit in summer.

  • 设计师花园

  • 设计师的花园群落



    1-2 years to launch a world famous designer's garden, forming a garden community, creating garden art viewing destinations.

  • 夜花海

  • 夜花海



    Night flower sea - the light and shade change, the flower sea then beat. Tens of thousands of LED lights form the sea of lights, the light and dark changes, the color then beat, the fantasy into a fairy tale night flower sea. It is like a real fantasy, the ultimate romantic aesthetic visual gluttonous feast.

  • 酒店集群

  • 精奢酒店集群



    The spring side house, the forest bird, the mountain to raise idle person. Flower colors valley resort will focus on building cluster of pure luxury hotel, inviting the Japanese design master Mr Nakamura and design team, adjust measures to local conditions to design the hotel cluster, include mountain hot springs hotel, rose, jasmine, hotel, etc., will become a unique boutique hotel cluster maoshan area. We have realized the most popular luxury holiday experience in today's world.


